Birthday: - 25/12/2022
Empress Victoria lives in Berlin, Empress Victoria
Her Website:
Her Sign of Zodiac: Capricorn
Hey, you little worm, got curious about me ?
Now, look at me !
You know that I am beautiful….You know that I am perfect !
You will be ensnared by me and getting caught in my web, little worm !
Don’t worry. Let your curiosity grow into addiction. You know thats your fantasy and it´s going to be your destiny.
Welcome to your new home !
Let me be straight. I will use you. You will have to do what I say. If you fail to meet my sophisticated demands you will be ignored.
This is not a place for lazy and boring slaves. I love to make you work for me. Doing things that make sense and are usefull for ME !
How am I going to use you ?
Well, maybe I will sit back to watch some TV, with my feet resting on your back. After several hours as my footstool, I may click my fingers and you will have the high honour of worshipping my perfect feet.
Maybe you will be my lowly servant, toiling for hours, hard at work in my home. Naturally, you will serve naked and on all fours. After hours being out having fun I will return to inspect your work, and I will punish you very harshly for anything that is less than perfect. Perhaps I will beat you black and blue even if you haven’t done anything wrong. After all, my fun and pleasure is all that matters.
The opportunity for a personal session will be granted only to my very favourite slaves, preferably those that come from farer away and dream of something very special.
You like my words ?
Then go and have a look on this website. Do thoroughly find out my favourites, my likes and dislikes and do carefully assess whether you are the one being worth to contact me !